We compare non-iron shirts to a genetically modified strawberry. All the parts seem to be there but it just doesn’t taste right. Similarly, the chemical modification of a non-iron shirt seems great, yet it leaves a trail of harmful chemical processes in its tracks.
Modified does not always mean better. Non-iron shirts are not 100% cotton as other shirt makers will have you believe. They are non-iron due to a strong chemical finish that is made of dangerous formaldehyde.
These chemicals do not need to be listed on the tag due to their small percentage in the overall shirt. That is similar to the pesticides on your food, that does not mean that they are not there or creating negative effects to your health. Wearing non-iron shirts gives you daily contact to these chemicals through your skin. They are known to irritate the skin causing rashes and pose long term health risks. We will never endanger your health by adding a formaldehyde finish to our shirts.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies formaldehyde as a human carcinogen.
The chemical treatment also clogs the weave of the fabric. Which results in a shirt with diminished breathability and you becoming sweatier than in a chemical free shirt.

Choose Twill Weave Instead For Wrinkle Resistance

We believe that great shirts are made with pure cotton.
Nothing added. Nothing removed.